Attraction of Distraction

Attraction of Distraction 

                                                   Image Source: Locker Dome

Attraction of Distraction 

Waiting for the moon
I saw star,............I got distract
Waiting for the jet
I saw car,.............I got distract
Baiting for a boundary
                                  I saw googly,.......I got distract
Baiting for the beauty
I got ugly,............I got distract

Looking for a classic
I heard pop,.........I got distract
Looking for a jeans
I saw top,.............I got distract
Booking for a movie
I see clown,..........I got distract
Booking for countryside
I saw town,..........I got distract

Writing for a novel
I weave rhyme,.....I got distract
Writing for sin song
I met thyme,.........I got distract
Fighting for love
I feel lust,.............I got distract
Fighting for peace
I feel gust,............I got distract

Everywhere, distraction offer me a run
Everytime, I consider it the fun
At end it always is an empty dun
Then again new distraction,
Again new lesson to learn
........... Till I earn.... Full Concentration
                            -©Abhinav Mankar 20317
